Community Ambassador Program — WE CONNECT THE DOTS

Community Ambassador Program

Community Ambassador Program

Looking to make an impact in your community while DIFFERENTIATING yourself from other college applicants?  This is the program for you. No other program will provide you the 21st century workforce skills and the opportunity to impact thousands of students in underrepresented communities around the world. 

LEarn More and Submit Your Application today!

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Do you consider yourself a leader?

Do you have a passion for technology and education?

Do you want to gain valuable skills while volunteering to support a rapidly expanding non-profit organization?

The Community Ambassador Program is designed to help you realize your vision for the future, help you establish valuable connections, and teach you the current workforce skills needed to pursue your educational and professional goals with a head start, all while being a mentor and colleague to other students!

What is a Community Ambassador? The Community Ambassador program is a service learning program that gives students the experience of being an active participating volunteer at We Connect the Dots, Inc. Students will take part in planning conferences, designing programs, recruiting volunteers, learning and teaching a variety of educational material and many other activities centered around the goals of the organization. Above all, a core component of being a Community Ambassador is that you are an ambitious young person, with a passion for education and a willingness to be a mentor and coach to your peers.

What the Program Offers:  Community ambassadors will gain valuable experience through learning opportunities, hands-on experience, leadership development, coaching and mentoring, and training in 21st century workforce skills. Students will complete the program with real industry experience and professional certifications that can be carried into the workforce. Funding for certifications will be provided by WCTD. The ultimate goal of the program is to lead students to successful jobs or internships at either for-profit companies or unpaid internships at non-profit organizations using the skills and experiences they have learned throughout the program. WCTD will be your guide, and will help you find your own path to the future career or educational opportunity of your choice. You can learn more about the program by reading responses from former Community Ambassadors. Click Here

A Commitment to Education:  Community Ambassadors make a commitment to volunteer a set number of hours per month and to participate in WCTD's educational programs as support staff or event leads. Students will need to attend several meetings throughout the year, where planning for conferences, networking, program design and other operational tasks are completed. Once a student has worked through at least one conference and logged a minimum of 50 hours, they can then move from apprenticeship to the Junior Ambassador level. From there, the student may continue to work toward the Ambassador and Senior Ambassador levels. Junior Ambassadors begin gaining professional certifications and leading WCTD programs with a mentor as soon as the such programs commence. Once a student reaches the Senior Level, he or she is eligible to apply for scholarships, funding for projects, and funding to attend conferences. Students will be required to submit proposals for funding and sponsorships, and commit to bringing their newfound knowledge back to the community where it can be shared with other students. At the Senior Level, students will also be expected to lead WCTD education programs on their own. 

High School Students: Through volunteering students meet Honor Society volunteer requirements, build communications skills, gain real-world workplace experience, 21st Century workforce skills, and develop a portfolio to begin networking and exploring career paths.

College Students: Through volunteering students build real-world workplace experience, 21st Century Workforce skills, develop their career portfolio on LinkedIn, and other industry platforms like Github. Students are matched with a business that can support a workplace learning experience in their field or industry they are majoring in, and align to an industry mentor to support their long term success. Workplace learning experiences are non-paid opportunities to learn from their mentor and other industry resources that are involved in a day to day career in the industry. Workplace learning experiences can take place over the summer, or throughout the year based on the availability for these opportunities and the students schedule.

Program Requirements:

In order to be eligible for the Entry Level Ambassador Program, a student must:

  1. Be a high school or college student in good standing (3.0 GPA or 83 min.)

  2. Be between 14 and 21 years of age

  3. Commit to a minimum of 10 volunteer hours per month, 100 hours overall annually, including regular weekly meetings (Currently held on Mondays)

  4. Commit to attending one WCTD conference as a support staff volunteer, mentor, or event lead (one-week or two-week program)

  5. Complete application process (bottom of this page) and an interview with current CAP leadership

  6. Have a passionate desire to be a leader, mentor, and guide to other students. Interviews with established ambassadors and WCTD Program Manager will determine final eligibility.

Above all, being a community ambassador requires that a student display ambition and leadership in achieving his or her educational and professional goals. WCTD wants to guide you through the hard work and dedication it takes to be a educated and professional leader, and help you attain the future you want for yourself. Do you think you have what it takes?



If you have any questions or comments please contact us at